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Student Government Association

2023 - 2024 Executive Board

SGA serves as the voice of the student body in matters involving the college administration, faculty, and staff.

Gretchen Faraci Gretchen Faraci

Student Government President

Ruby Silver Ruby Silver

Executive Vice President

Zion Virgil Zion Virgil

Administrative Vice President

Justin Bailey Justin Bailey

Vice President of Finance

Rachel Williams Rachel Williams

Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Tommy Anderson Tommy Anderson

Vice President of Student Activities

Gabrielle Zernickow Gabrielle Zernickow

Vice President of Communications

Mia Braun Mia Braun

Vice President of Judicial Affairs

Mission Statement

We, the Student Government Association of Florida Southern College, strive to empower, communicate, and promote unity through education and service in order to represent the Student Body. As members of the campus community, we are dedicated to developing relationships, facilitating changes which benefit students, and improving the quality of student life. We will accomplish these goals while upholding the values and integrity of our college.

SGA Structure


The senate is composed of student representatives from each academic year, the Greek community, the Athlete community, Honors, Off-campus housing, commuters, and each academic school. All positions in the Senate are elected by the student body.

Senate Committees

Each senator serves on one of five committees: spirit, service, sustainability, student life, and the diversity, equity, and inclusion committee. Each committee works together to improve the quality of student life based off student feedback.