Michael Weber, Ph.D.
Dean - Barnett School of Business and Free Enterprise

My teaching philosophy is centered on providing a practical, immersive, and engaged learning environment. I believe that students should learn the best practices that are current in industry today, and prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow through hands-on learning experiences.
J. Michael Weber is the Dean of the Barney Barnett School of Business and Free Enterprise at Florida Southern College. He has a 25 year career in academia, with significant experience in undergraduate and graduate business program development and growth. He has successfully facilitated the national and international rankings of business programs, by the U.S. News and World Report and CEO Magazine. Dr. Weber has been actively engaged in consulting throughout his career, providing business and marketing services to a wide variety of firms/organizations, government institutions, and even started several of his own entrepreneurial ventures. He has traveled extensively in South America and Europe in conjunction with consulting activities for international and domestic organizations. He received his B.S. from the University of Florida, an MBA from the University of West Florida, and a Ph.D. in Business from Louisiana State University.
- Ph.D. in Business, Louisiana State University, Major: Marketing, Minor: Sociology, 1998
- Master of Business Administration, University of West Florida, Concentration: Marketing, 1992
- Bachelor of Science, University of Florida, Major: Recreation, 1989
Research Interests:
Innovation, Promises – Advertising and Warranties, Financial Services Marketing, Entrepreneurial Branding, Entrepreneurship, Relationship Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Teaching Methodologies, Social Media Marketing, Tourism Marketing, and Cross-Cultural MarketingRefereed Journal Articles:
Musonera, Etienne and J. Michael Weber (2018), “Analysis of Marketing Strategies in the Social Media: Facebook Case Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness. Vol 12 (1), pp. 10-27.
Kushins, Eric, Henry H. Heard, and J. Michael Weber (2017), “The Next Disruptive Innovation in Rural American Healthcare: The Physician Assistant Practice”, The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. Vol. 11 (2), pp. 165 – 182.
Weber, J. Michael (2015), “The Development of a Scale for the Measurement of Internal Marketing in Service Firms”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal. Vol. 19 (2), pp. 145 – 156.
Weber, J. Michael (2014), “Defining the Constructs of Making, Enabling, and Keeping Promises: A Focus Group Application”, Journal of Services Research. Vol. 13 (2), pp. 117 - 130
Musonera, Etienne, Michel Ndahimana, and J. Michael Weber (2013), “Assessment of Marketing Strategies for Ecotourism Promotion: A Case of RDB/Tourism and Conservation in Rwanda”, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 37-56.
Weber, J. Michael (2013), “A New but Old Business Model for Family Physicians: Cash”, Health Marketing Quarterly, Vol. 30 (2). pp. 235-245.
Kraft, Heather and J. Michael Weber (2012), “A Look at Gender Differences and Marketing Implications”, International Journal of Business and Social Sciences. Vol. 3 (21), pp. 247-253.
Weber, J. Michael (2008). "The Comparison and Testing of a Hybrid-Wiki Course", Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, Vol. 13 (Winter), pp. 41-46.
Weber, J. Michael and Ron Lennon (2007). “Multi-Course Comparison of Traditional Versus Web-based Course Delivery Systems”, Journal of Education Online, Vol. 4 (2), pp. 1-19.
Weber, J. Michael (2007). “Mirror Neuron Networks: Implications for Modeling and Consumer Behavior Strategies”, Academy of Marketing Studies Journal, Vol. 11 (2), pp 57-68.
Weber J. Michael (2006). “Lessons from Global Entrepreneurs: Ideas for the Classroom”, International Journal of Business Disciplines, Vol. 17 (1), pp. 29-35.
Lennon, Ron, and J. Michael Weber (2003) "The Development and Testing of A Behavioral Intentions Model: A Longitudinal Study", Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 65-78.
Weber, J. Michael and Julie Capitant DeVillebonne (2002) “Differences in Purchase Behavior Between France and the U.S.: The Cosmetics Industry”, The Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 6, (4), pp. 396-407.
Lennon, Ron, J. Michael Weber, and James Henson, (2001) "A Test of a Theoretical Model of Consumer Travel Behavior: German Consumers' Perception of Northern Ireland as a Tourist Destination", Journal of Vacation Marketing (January), Vol. 7, (1), 51-62.
Weber, John Michael and Joseph F. Hair, Jr., (2000) "Developing a Perceptual Measure of Environmental Risk," Journal of Environmental Education, Vol. 32 (1), Fall, pp. 28-36.
Licata, Jane W., John Michael Weber, and Patricia Fleniken Reed. (1999) “The Promises That Keep Customers Coming Back”, Journal of Retail Banking Services, Vol. 21, (4), pp 31-39.
Licata, Jane W., John Michael Weber, and Patricia Fleniken Reed (1998) “Satisfaction Surveys: Staying on the Right Side of the Tracking”, Bank Marketing, Vol. 30, (12), pp. 26-31.
Editor Publications
Weber, J. Michael (Ed.) (2018), “2018 Conference Proceedings” Association of Marketing and Healthcare Research, Vol. 37, pp. 1 – 121.
Weber, J. Michael (Ed.) (2017), Special Issue: “Issues in Healthcare and Pharmacology for Vulnerable Populations” International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol. 11 (2), pp. 114 – 116. Emerald Publishing.
Weber, J. Michael (Ed.) (2016), “2016 Conference Proceedings” Association of Marketing and Healthcare Research, Vol. 35, pp. 1 – 112.
Weber, J. Michael (Ed.) (2011), “2011 Conference Proceedings” Association of Marketing and Healthcare Research, Vol. 30, pp. 1 – 155.
Hair, Joe F., Jr., J. Michael Weber, Ronald Hoverstad (Eds.) (2001), “Advances in Health Care Research” Association of Marketing and Healthcare Research, Vol. 20, pp. 1 – 151, Madison WI: Omni Press. 945769-18-0
Hair, Joe F., Jr., J. Michael Weber, Ronald Hoverstad (Eds.) (2000), “Advances in Health Care Research” Association of Marketing and Healthcare Research, Vol. 19, pp. 1 – 155, Madison WI: Omni Press. 945769-17-2