Larry Young
Instructor of Biology

There is a world of Biology beyond the pages of our textbooks. Biology is messy, has hidden drama, filled with amazement, and is always advancing. As an instructor, I try to bring this world of Biology to my students in an interactive, engaging, and story-telling way that shares my passion and excitement of the subject. I strive to create an environment filled with student interactions and activities that allows a student to see themselves in the content covered, make connections to society and community, and promotes academic and personal growth.
I am originally from New Jersey. It was as a younger version of myself, down in South Jersey, that found my interest and passion in the outdoors and biology through my participation in the Boy Scouts. Being outdoors is where I found my connection. Around every tree, stream, hill, or bend something new could be discovered. What started out as pure fascination and curiosity turned into a pursuit of education and continual learning about the living world around us that continues to this day.
I started my college education at my local community college. It was here that I found my “influencer”, that person that showed me through their story-telling, teaching, passion, and nerdy excitement that biology was so much more words on a page in a textbook. That original “influencer” was my Anatomy & Physiology professor. It is because of this person that I am the instructor I am today. I strive every day in the classroom to live up to the example he showed in the classroom. I went on to finish by bachelor’s degree at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey (now Stockton University). While there I signed up for a course called “Ornithology” and fell in love with bird watching. So much that I competed 3 years in what is known as the World Series of Birding.
I attended the University of Maryland, College Park for my graduate degree. It was while attending UMD that I discovered my next hobby, collecting fossilized shark teeth, including Otodus megalodon, or more commonly known as the megalodon. While at UMD I also continued to develop an interest for salt marsh ecology and Malaclemys terrapin, or the diamondback terrapin, North America’s only salt marsh turtle. My interest in diamondback terrapins included distribution of populations and nesting behaviors. While my field and scholarly research revolved around salt marshes. Much of my graduate course work centered around human anatomy and physiology and human sexual reproduction and development.
After completing my graduate degree I focused on my academic career, teaching part-time for several colleges and universities in New Jersey. In 2017 I relocated to central Florida to teach for another institution before finding a home here at Florida Southern where I teach Anatomy & Physiology I and II.
I enjoy going on travel adventures with my wife, days at the beach kayaking and paddle boarding, collecting fossilized shark teeth, and being a foodie.Awards
2021 NISOD Teaching Excellence Award RecipientPublications
Young, L. A Review of Genetic and Environmental Impacts on Population Distributions Within The Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin). 2008
Miller, Liz, director. Salt Marshes of New Jersey. The Shore Line,!/archive?People=Biologist.
Young, L. Anatomy & Physiology Lab Manual: A Journey Into Form and Function, 2016. Morton Publishing.
Young. L. My Experience in Striving for Equitable Education in A&P Curriculum: Why it Matters to my Students. HAPS Blog. March 22, 2021.
Professional Presentations
Browning, N.; Jellyman, J.; MacNutt, M.; Schutz, H.; Young, L. 2021, February. LGBTQ Inclusive Teaching - Why Language Matters
Jellyman, J.; Goldina, A.; Young, L. May, 2022. Ideas for Teaching Diversity of Sex and Gender
Young, L. May, 2021. Integrating Social Justice and A&P: How Race and Racism Can Be Discussed Through the Integumentary System