Julie Hornick, M.A., M.L.I.S.
Head of Library Instruction and Senior Instructional Services Librarian

As an instructional librarian, I strive to provide quality educational opportunities so students learn not only how to be effective and ethical consumers of information, but also how to find their place in the scholarly conversation that is an integral part of the academic experience. I also hope to show students that the library is a welcoming place where they will always find someone willing to help them, no matter what their level of need may be.
Julie Hornick is Head of Library Instruction and Senior Instructional Services Librarian at Florida Southern College where she provides instructional and research support to a number of schools and departments. She earned her M.A. in French from Penn State University and her M.L.I.S. from the University of South Carolina’s School of Library and Information Science. Her research interests include incorporating new technologies into instruction, critical information literacy instruction, and instructional design.
- Graduate, Sunshine State Library Leadership Institute, 2019
- M.L.I.S., College of Library and Information Science, University of South Carolina, 2003
- M.A., French, The Pennsylvania State University, 1996
- B.A., French, minor in History, The University of Arizona, summa cum laude, 1994
- B.A., English Literature, University of Puget Sound, 1988
- Fulbright/French Government Teaching Assistantship, 1996
- Sparks Fellowship, College of Humanities/Department of French, The Pennsylvania State University, 1994
Hornick, J. N., & Kehoe, L. S. (Eds.). (Forthcoming). Critical Information Literacy Applications in Libraries. ALA Editions.
Hornick, J. (2023). Championing a Princess on the Brink: Navigating a book challenge in a middle school library. In S. M. Oltmann (Ed.), The Fight Against Book Bans. Libraries Unlimited.
Morgan, M., Hornick, J., MacDonald, R., Wade, S. (2022). The virtual graduate research marathon: Remote library instruction for doctoral candidates. In M. Chakraborty, S. Harlow, & H. Moorefield Lang (Eds.), Sustainable Online Library Services and Resources: Learning from the Pandemic. Libraries Unlimited.
Wade, S., Hornick, J., MacDonald, R. M., & Morgan, M. (2020). Laser tag in the stacks. In E. Kroski (Ed.), 52 Ready-to-Use Gaming Programs for Libraries. ALA Editions.
Wade, S., & Hornick, J. (2018). Stop! Don’t share that story: Designing a pop-up undergraduate workshop on fake news. The Reference Librarian 59(4): 188–94. https://doi.org/10.1080/02763877.2018.1498430
Hornick, J. N. & Wade, S. (2018). Augmenting orientation: Animating an interactive welcome event at an academic library. In C. Elliott, M. Rose, & J. Van Arnheim (Eds.), Augmented and Virtual Reality in Libraries. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Hornick, J.N. (Mod.). (2025, April). Critical information literacy instruction: Fostering inclusive and reflective research practices. Round table session at the American Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Coordinator and Moderator. (2023, June). Universal design for learning: Planning for all learners. Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association, Chicago, IL.
Moderator. (2022, June). Critical information literacy applications for academic, public, and school libraries. Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program at the Annual Conference of the American Library Association, Washington, DC.
Hornick, J., Morgan, M., & Wade, S. (2022, January). Professional or predatory?: Distinguishing legitimate from illegitimate in an era of open access. Presentation at the Florida Southern College Spring Faculty Forum, Lakeland, FL.
Fowler, M., Galbraith, N., Giordano, V., Hornick, J. N., MacDonald, R. M., Morgan, M., & Wade, S. (2021, April). The Virtual Graduate Research Marathon: Engaging with
doctoral candidates remotely. Poster session presented at the 2021 Distance and Online Learning Virtual Poster Session of the Association of College and Research Libraries Online Learning Section Instruction Committee.
MacDonald, R. M., Hornick, J., Morgan, M., Schaad, G., & Wade, S. (2020, October). Escape to your campus: Designing a virtual escape room for a campus community separated by COVID-19. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of College & Research Libraries, virtual.
Schaad, G., & Hornick, J. (2020 - Canceled). Where is the voice of the citrus worker, and how can that voice best be highlighted? Poster session accepted for presentation at the 2020 annual meeting of the Association of College & Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Section.
Giordano, V., Hornick, J., Galbraith, N., MacDonald, R. M., Morgan, M., & Wade, S. (2020, October). The Graduate Research Marathon: Leading the way forward for doctoral candidates in an academic library. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Library Association, virtual.
Wade, S., Morgan, M., & Hornick, J. (2019, August). Ready, set, research! Presentation at the Florida Southern College Fall Faculty Forum, Lakeland, FL.
Hornick, J., Morgan, M., & Wade, S. (2019, May). Professional or predatory? Distinguishing legitimate from illegitimate in an era of open access. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Florida Library Association.
Hornick, J., Wade, S., & Morgan, M. (2019, April). Pop-up learning: Enriching the undergraduate experience through extracurricular workshops. Poster session presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries conference, Cleveland, OH.
Galbraith, N., Hornick, J., Morgan, M., Schaad, G., & Wade, S. (2018, October). The research sprint: Faculty as learners in an academic library. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of College & Research Libraries, Ft. Meyers, FL.
Hornick, J., Morgan, M., & Wade, S. (2018, August). Professional or predatory?: Distinguishing legitimate from illegitimate in an era of open access. Presentation at the Florida Southern College Fall Faculty Forum, Lakeland, FL.
Morgan, M., Hornick, J., & Wade, S. (2018, February). Discovering what works. Presentation to the Catalog Management Interest Group (Cataloging and Metadata Management Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services) at the 2018 American Libraries Association Midwinter Meeting & Exhibits, Denver, CO.
Wade, S., & Hornick, J. (2017, October). Stop! Don’t share that story!: Designing a pop-up undergraduate workshop on fake news. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Association of Colleges and Libraries, Tampa, FL.
- Art History and Museum Studies
- Biology
- Chemistry and Physics
- Citrus and Horticultural Science
- Military Science
- School of Education
- School of Nursing and Health Sciences
- School of Physical Therapy