R. Bruce Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Dr. Sarah D. and L. Kirk McKay Jr. Chair in American History, Government, and Civics

It must be current, it must be relevant, and it must be useful. The student centered approach, through experiential learning, in the only approach that properly prepares future leaders for the leadership they will assume in our world
R. Bruce Anderson is the Dr. Sarah D. and L. Kirk McKay, Jr. Endowed Chair in American History, Government, and Civics and Miller Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, Florida, where he teaches the American core curriculum is director of the Pre-Law program, and has developed multiple programs in civic education for both higher education and K-12 curriculum, including developing, authoring and editing the text "Exploring the Constitution", a non-partisan/ non-ideological classroom text on constitutional mechanics. He holds a Ph.D. in political science from Rice University. He is also a Columnist for the Lakeland Ledger/USA Today Network and Political Consultant and on-air Commentator for WLKF Radio of Hall Communications. He is a contributor, for the last three editions, to The New Politics of the Old South (edited by Charles Bullock III and Mark J. Rozell), and has published essays and scholarly articles on many disparate subjects, including state legislative politics; the political life of Strom Thurmond and the Dixiecrats; the concept of justice in Immanuel Kant (with Sarah Massey); and KGB/GRU and CIA surveillance tradecraft and techniques. His work has also appeared in The American Review of Politics, The American Politics Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, The Civic Arts Review and others, as well as more "mainstream" print media outlets. His most recent book is Policy Making and Southern Distinctiveness (Routledge, 2021). Dr. Anderson has 2 children, both of whom attended Florida Southern: Kai Matthias, who lives in Lakeland; and Katharina Judith, who lives in Lincoln, Nebraska, with her spouse and two children of her own.
- Ph.D., Political Science, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 1997
- M.A., Political Science, Rice University, Houston Texas Prospectus and Model Defense passed in 1996.
- B.A., Political Science with a minor in American History/European History, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, 1988
I coached tennis for 15 years, initially at the high school level, then both men's and women's tennis in the NAIA; I continue to play competitive USTA league tennis. I swim, kayak, hike, camp, and bike (to work, every day, as well as mileage on my own!). I'm active on local city boards, and currently am a voting member of the Historical Preservation Board for the City of Lakeland. I write, garden, and am fascinated by the local avian population (and the occasional 'gator). I spend part of every summer in the Levant, hiking out-of-the-way ruins, harassing local archeologists; and I lead the annual month-long Junior Journey to Germany for Holocaust studies, in part at Ravensbrück KZ Memorial.Awards
- Artinian Award, SPSA, 2005
- Granted Tenure: February 2007 – Baker University, College of Arts and Sciences, Baldwin City, Kansas
- Kopke Grant Scholar, Baker University, 2008
- Kopke Grant: “The Machinery of the Racial State – Nazi Germany’s KZ System in the 1930s”
- Faculty Volunteer of the Year: 2011-2012, Florida Southern College
- Designated “Miller Distinguished Professor” of Florida Southern College, May, 2012
- Awarded "Exemplary Teaching in Political Science" award. Pi Sigma Alpha, The American Political Science Association, 2012.
- Granted Tenure: May, 2014 -- Florida Southern College
- Appointed the Dr. Sarah D. and L. Kirk McKay, Jr. Endowed Chair in American History, Government, and Civics. September, 2016.
Starred publications were co-authored with Baker, Sewanee or FSC students:
Scholarly Publications:
Most recent:
Article: “Dobbs, American Federalism, and State Abortion Policymaking: Restrictive Policies Alongside Expansion of Reproductive Rights”. Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Oxford University Press). 27 April, 2023. With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor.
Book: Policy Making and Southern Distinctiveness; With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor. Routledge, 2022.
Book: “Florida: Border State, “South” or Wild Frontier?”. With Zachary Baumann (and Matthew Geras, Sixth Edition only). 2021. Analysis Chapter. The New Politics of the Old South . Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Editions. Charles Bullock III, Mark J. Rozell, Eds. Rowman and Litttlefield. (2017; 2019, 2021 Editions).
Refereed Journal Publications
“Dobbs, American Federalism, and State Abortion Policymaking: Restrictive Policies Alongside Expansion of Reproductive Rights”. Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Oxford University Press). 27 April, 2023. With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor.
Anderson, R. Bruce and Kelly McHugh. “Joining “Us”; Creating and Maintaining a
Discipline-based Learning Community”. Learning Communities Research and Practice. Evergreen. Vol. 1, Issue 2. (November, 2015).
Anderson, Bruce. “The Stealthy Creep of Democracy: Is There a Role for the Citizen?” The Civic Arts Review (Spring 2005).
Anderson, Bruce. “All is Not Fair…: The Effects of Changing Committee Representation on Partisan Conflict in Transforming Legislatures.” The American Politics Quarterly (July 2000: 328-354).
Anderson, Bruce, Keith Hamm, and Nancy Martorano. “A Transforming South: Exploring Patterns of State House Seat Contestation.” The American Review of Politics (Spring 2000: 201-224).
Anderson, Bruce. “Party Caucus Development and the Insurgent Minority Party in Formerly One-Party State Legislatures.” The American Review of Politics (Fall 1998: 191-216).
Anderson, Bruce, Keith Hamm, and Andrew Weber. “Impact of Lobbying Laws and Their Enforcement.” Social Science Quarterly (June 1994: 378-381).
Books, Book Chapters, Reviews (*Indicates undergraduate student collaboration)
Most recent:
Book: Policy Making and Southern Distinctiveness; With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor. Routledge, 2022.
Book: Florida: Border State, “South” or Wild Frontier?With Zachary Baumann (and Matthew Geras*, Sixth Edition only, 2019).
Analysis Chapter. The New Politics of the Old South . Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Editions. Charles Bullock III, Mark J. Rozell, Eds. Rowman and Litttlefield. (2017; 2019, 2021 Editions).
Past Book Chapters:
The Sage reference: Security, Surveillance and Intelligence (Sage, 2017)
“The Art of Counterintelligence”. In Sage reference: Security, Surveillance and Intelligence. Sage, 2017. With Anisha Koilpillai*.
“The GPU, NKVD, KGB and Surveillance”. Sage reference Security, Surveillance and Intelligence. Sage, 2017. With Anisha Koilpillai*.
“Surveillance and the Central Intelligence Agency, 1949-2017”. Sage reference Security, Surveillance and Intelligence. Sage, 2017. With Patrick Webb*.
"Locke, John (on liberty and security)". Sage reference Security, Surveillance and Intelligence. Sage, 2017. With Matthew Geras*.
The Springer Reference on “Big Data”. Springer publications, 2016. (Faculty/Student publication collaboration)
• Apple. R. Bruce Anderson with Galvez, Kassandra*
• Correlation vs. Causation. R. Bruce Anderson with Geras, Matthew*
• Data Monetization. R. Bruce Anderson with Koch, Corey *
• Drones. R. Bruce Anderson with Sessums, Alex *
• Facebook. R. Bruce Anderson with Galvez, Kassandra*
• Book Chapters/Entries/Sidebars: Sage Reference on White Collar Crime, Susan Moskowitz, Editor. 2013.
• Book Sidebar: Whitewater Scandal (with Carlene Fogle-Miller*) Book Chapter: William Clinton (with Carlene Fogle-Miller*) Book Sidebar: Anheuser-Busch
• Book Chapter: Karl Rove Book Chapter: Tom DeLay Book Sidebar: Jack Anderson
• Book Chapter: Richard Nixon (with Christina Cota-Robles*) Book Sidebar: Sen. John Edwards (with Christina Cota-Robles*) Book Chapter: Legal Malpractice (with Stephen Senn)
• Book Chapter: George W. Bush (with Charlotte Garraway*)
Book Chapters/Entries/Sidebars: Sage Reference on Criminal Justice Ethics, Joseph Golson, Editor. 2012.
Chapter case analysis: Daubert vs. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals (1993) (with Kristoph Marczinkowski*)
Chapter: DREAM Act (with Laura Hackett*).
Chapter legal analysis: Entrapment (with Kira Ramirez*).
Sidebar: Police Robots (with Matthew Geras*)
Full Chapter: Politics (with Rhonda Wrzenski, Indiana University, Southeast)
Full Chapter: Victims’ Bill of Rights (and assistance programs)(with Kassandra Galvez*)
Book Chapters/Entries/Sidebars: Sage Reference Encyclopedia of Social Media and Politics. Lisbeth Rogers, Managing Editor. 2012.
Entry: National Freedom of Information Coalition (with Matthew Geras*) Chapter: Take the Pledge(with Gage Nicholas*)
Entry: World Can't Wait (with MacKenzie Gailey*)
Entry: RightOnline.com (with Matthew Geras*)
Entry: Social Issues & Augmented Reality (with Hannah Gifford*)
Entry: Fundly
Chapter: Take the Pledge (with Gage Nicholas*)
Entry: Carnivore (FBI) (with Jon Klos*)
Chapter: Voter Privacy (with Gage Nicholas*)
Chapter: Digital Media Law Project
Entry: World without Borders (with Jon Klos*)
Major Book Project, 2007/2008
Encyclopedia of Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior. Ed. Kenneth F. Warren. Thousand Oaks, CA. Sage Publications.
Book Chapter: State Campaigns (with Andrew McGregor*, Baker University) Book Chapter: Campaign Strategies
Book Chapter: The Democratic National Committee (with Jaci Kettler*, Baker University) Book Chapter: Louisiana Elections (with Jaci Kettler*, Baker University)
Book Chapter: Republican State Party Organizations
Book Chapter: The Southern Democratic Party
Major Book Project, 2005/2006
Postwar America: An Encyclopedia of Social, Political, Cultural, and Economic History. Ed. James Ciment. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Book Chapter: Liberalism in American Politics (with Carl Pinkele, Ohio Wesleyan University) Book Chapter: The Democratic Party Since 1945 (with Carl Pinkele, Ohio Wesleyan University)
Book Chapter: Civil Rights Legislation Since 1945 (with Kevin Alonso*, Sewanee: The University of the South)
Book Chapter: Political Action Committees (with Kevin Alonso*, Sewanee: The University of the South)
Book Chapter: Reforming Campaign Finance (with Meghann King*, Sewanee: The University of the South)
Book Chapter: The Referendum and Initiative Revolution: California’s Prop 209 (with Zach Baumann*, Baker University)
Book Sidebar: The 1968 Chicago Democratic Convention (with Rhonda Wrzenski, Louisiana State University)
Book Sidebar: OSHA (with Zach Baumann*, Baker University)
Book Sidebar: Caesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers (with Zach Baumann*, Baker University) Book Sidebar: Americans for Democratic Action (with Rhonda Wrzenski, Louisiana State University)
Anderson, Bruce. June 2000. “Strom Thurmond.” In The Encyclopedia of Third Parties in the United States. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Anderson, Bruce. June 2000. “The Silver Party of Nevada.” In The Encyclopedia of Third Parties in the United States. New York: M.E. Sharpe.
Anderson, Bruce. 1997. “Electoral Competition and Southern State Legislatures.” In Southern Parties and Elections: Studies in Regional Political Change, eds. Robert P. Steed, Laurence W. Moreland, and Tod A. Baker. University of Alabama Press.
Anderson, Bruce, Keith Hamm, and Ronald Hedlund. 1994. “Political Parties in State Legislatures.” In Encyclopedia of Legislative Organizations, ed. Joel Silbey. New York: Scribners.
Review: State and Local Texts – Addressing and Mis-addressing Undergraduates. H-NET Review of Virginia Gray and Peter Eisinger’s American States and Cities (second edition) and W.B. Stouffer, Cynthia Opheim and Susan Bland Day’s State and Local Politics: The Individual and the Governments (second edition). June, 1997.
Review: Texas Politics Reviewed. H-NET Review of Stefen D. Haag, Rex C. Peebles, and Gary A. Keith’s Texas Politics and Government: Ideas, Institutions and Policies. December, 1997.
Publications in Journalism:
Column (Newspaper: print editions); continuing: Various topics. Regular Sunday Column, Gannett/USAToday Network (current)/ and (formerly) Gatehouse Communications.
(The Lakeland Ledger; Gainesville Sun, Daytona Beach News-Journal, 100+ other newspapers/outlets, depending on week). 2016-present. Earlier Columns 2012-2016. Occasional invited columns, special topics reportage (primarily elections) and other journalistic articles.
Also short newsletter book reviews, short articles and other publications associated with the field of legislative politics and American politics in The Legislative Studies Section Newsletter.
Current project: Data paper follow-up on Publius article published summer, 2023, with same co-authors.
Most Recent Publications (see appendix of published material for more complete list of professional work):
Article: “Dobbs, American Federalism, and State Abortion Policymaking: Restrictive Policies Alongside Expansion of Reproductive Rights”. Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Oxford University Press). 27 April, 2023. With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor.
Book: Policy Making and Southern Distinctiveness; With Martin K. Meyer, John Morris, Joe Aistrup, and Ron Kentor. Routledge, 2022.
Book: Florida: Border State, “South” or Wild Frontier? With Zachary Baumann (and Matthew Geras*, Sixth Edition only, 2019). 2021. IN The New Politics of the Old South . Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Editions. Charles Bullock III, Mark J. Rozell, Eds. Rowman and Litttlefield. (2017; 2019, 2021 Editions).