LECOM Agreement
Early Acceptance Program
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Program
Through a partnership with one of the nation’s most renowned medical colleges, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM), FSC students are able to pursue the pre-med, pre-pharmacy and pre-dental tracks.
Partnership With Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
With a growing demand of healthcare professionals, FSC and LECOM partnered to help prepare new doctors, dentists and pharmacists succeed in the healthcare industry. This special Early Acceptance Program (EAP) with LECOM allows high school or current FSC students to apply to LECOM medical, dental, pharmacy, or podiatry school. (Students who meet the requirements in high school are conditionally accepted into both FSC and LECOM’s program simultaneously.)
Early Acceptance Program
LECOM has developed special Early Acceptance Programs with select community colleges, undergraduate colleges and universities that grant qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s School of Pharmacy, School of Dental Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine, or School of Podiatric Medicine. In some cases, these programs will permit the student to start the professional program prior to receiving a bachelor degree from the undergraduate institution.
LECOM Agreement Program Details
Admission Requirements
To qualify for the BS+DO/PharmD/DMD program, you must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (international students may apply to Pharmacy)
- Must not hold a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Must have at least two years remaining as a full time student at FSC
- SAT Score (Math and Verbal Reasoning) greater than or equal to 1170 on a single exam taken before 3/1/16, a SAT score of 1240 or higher on a single exam taken after 3/1/16 or an ACT Composite score greater than or equal to 26 on a single exam
- A high school GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale or higher
- Students already attending FSC must have at least a cumulative overall GPA of 3.2 and a science GPA of 3.1 or higher
Students already attending FSC must meet these requirements as well to enroll into the Early Acceptance Program (EAP).
For each of the programs, a maximum combined total of five students per academic year will be admitted from Florida Southern College into each LECOM early acceptance program.
Application Procedure
Those who meet all the academic requirements while earning their undergraduate degrees will be guaranteed acceptance into Lake Erie’s graduate medical program at its campuses in Pennsylvania and Florida.
For Students Entering FSC From High School
- Apply for admission to LECOM
- Apply for admission to Florida Southern College
- Students who have been provisionally accepted to LECOM and who have applied to Florida Southern College will be emailed requesting they complete the LECOM/FSC EAP enrollment form (processed on a rolling basis; once capacity has been reached students will be placed on a waiting list).
- Accepted students will be sent a welcome letter and informed that they must submit their admissions deposit to the FSC Admissions Office by April 15th to secure their spot in the LECOM/FSC EAP program. Students who do not submit their admissions deposit by April 15 release their spot in the LECOM/FSC EAP program.
- Wait list students (those who submitted after program capacity was reached) will be notified and updated regarding status on April 16.
For Current FSC Undergraduates
- Apply directly to LECOM
- Complete the Application for the FSC-LECOM Early Acceptance Program (available from Dr. Morvillo, Chair of Biology and Pre-medical Studies Coordinator)
Regardless of the time of application, students must be enrolled in the EAP and attend Florida Southern College for at least two consecutive years to be considered for acceptance into any of LECOM’s programs.
The EAP is comprised of two “phases,” which together are called “tracks.” Phase I consists of three or four years of undergraduate education at Florida Southern College. Phase II consists of the number of years, typically four, required to complete the selected graduate program at LECOM.
(For a 3+ track, currently enrolled FSC students should apply prior to the start of their second year. For a 4+ track, currently enrolled FSC students should apply prior to the start of their third year.)
Medical Program
Two Available Tracks: 4+4 and 3+4
Students may choose any of the following three campuses to complete their studies: Erie, PA; Greensburg, PA or Bradenton, FL. Either track chosen will lead to the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree (D.O.).
Pharmacy Program
Available Tracks: 4+, 3+, Online
LECOM offers a three-year and four-year track at its Erie, PA and Bradenton, FL campuses, respectively. Furthermore, a four-year Distance Learning Pathway, with the majority of the coursework completed online, is also available for the Pharmacy program. All three tracks lead to the Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.).
Dental Program
One Available Track: 4+4
The Bradenton, FL campus at LECOM offers the four-year dentistry program and graduates will receive a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree (D.M.D.).
Pre-Health Professional Program (P3)
The Pre-Health Professional Program (P3) is a rigorous, competitive program for students pursuing admission to health professions schools after obtaining their undergraduate degrees.
Questions? Contact

Professor of Biology
Department Chair
Nelson C. White Chair in the Life Sciences
Polk Science - 126