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Florida Southern College Find@Roux

Browse these lists to identify subject areas, call numbers, and their physical location on the digital map.

Aeronautics. Astronautics (TL)

Agriculture (S)

Anatomy (QM)

Anthropology (GN)

Arts and Crafts (TT)

Astronomy (QB)

Auxiliary Sciences of History (C)

Biography (CT)

Biology (QH)

Books, General. Information Resources (Z-ZA)

Botany (QK)

Chemistry (QD)

Childrens Books

Chronology (CE)

Commerce & Finance (HF-HJ)

Criminology (HV)

Customs and Recreation (GT-GV)

Economic Theory and History (HB-HC)

Education (L)

Encyclopedias & Dictionaries (AE-AG)

Engineering (TA-TJ)

Environmental Sciences (GE)

Epigraphy (CN)

Fine Arts (N)

Fisheries (SH)

Folklore (GR)

Genealogy (CS)

General Works (AC-AZ)

Geography (G-GB)

Geology (QE)

Heraldry (CR)

History, Americas (E, F)

History, World (D)

Home Economics (TX)

Human Ecology (GF)

Hunting Sports (SK)

Industries & Labor (HD)

Language & Literature, Eastern Asia. Africa. Oceania (PL)

Language & Literature, Greek (PA)

Language & Literature, Oriental. Indo-Iranian (PJ, PK)

Language, English (PE)

Languages, Celtic (PB)

Languages, Germanic (PD)

Languages, Hyperborean and Artificial (PM)

Languages, Indian (PM)

Languages, Modern. Celtic (PB)

Languages, Romance (PC)

Languages, Scandinavian (PD)

Languages, Slavic. Baltic. Albanian (PG)

Languages, Uralic. Basque (PH)

Languages, West Germanic (PF)

Law (K)

Linguistics (P)

Literature, American (PS)

Literature, English (PR)

Literature, French. Italian. Spanish. Portuguese (PQ)

Literature, General (PN)

Literature, German. Dutch. Scandinavian. Nordic. (PT)

Literature, Juvenile. Fiction. (PZ)

Manufactures (TS)

Mathematics (QA)

Medicine (R-RZ)

Microbiology (QR)

Military Science (U-UH)

Mining. Chemical Technical (TN-TP)

Music (M)

Naval Science (V-VM)

Numismatics (CJ)

Oceanography (GC)


Philology (P)

Philosophy (B-BD)

Photography (TR)

Physics (QC)

Physiology (QP)

Political Science (J)

Psychology (BF-BJ)

Religion (BL-BX)

Science, General (Q)

Social Sciences, General (H)

Socialism. Communism. Anarchism (HX)

Sociology (HM-HV)

Statistics (HA)

Technology, General (T)

Transportation and Communications (HE)

Zoology (QL)

AC-AZ (General Works)

AE-AG (Encyclopedias & Dictionaries)

B-BD (Philosophy)

BF-BJ (Psychology)

BL-BX (Religion)

C (Auxiliary Sciences of History)

CE (Chronology)

CJ (Numismatics)

CN (Epigraphy)

CR (Heraldry)

CS (Genealogy)

CT (Biography)

D (History, World)

E, F (History, Americas)

G-GB (Geography)

GC (Oceanography)

GE (Environmental Sciences)

GF (Human Ecology)

GN (Anthropology)

GR (Folklore)

GT-GV (Customs and Recreation)

H (Social Sciences, General)

HA (Statistics)

HB-HC (Economic Theory and History)

HD (Industries & Labor)

HE (Transportation and Communications)

HF-HJ (Commerce & Finance)

HM-HV (Sociology)

HV (Criminology)

HX (Socialism. Communism. Anarchism)

J (Political Science)

K (Law)

L (Education)

M (Music)

N (Fine Arts)

P (Linguistics)

P (Philology)

PA (Language & Literature, Greek)

PB (Languages, Celtic)

PB (Languages, Modern. Celtic)

PC (Languages, Romance)

PD (Languages, Germanic)

PD (Languages, Scandinavian)

PE (Language, English)

PF (Languages, West Germanic)

PG (Languages, Slavic. Baltic. Albanian)

PH (Languages, Uralic. Basque)

PJ, PK (Language & Literature, Oriental. Indo-Iranian)

PL (Language & Literature, Eastern Asia. Africa. Oceania)

PM (Languages, Hyperborean and Artificial)

PM (Languages, Indian)

PN (Literature, General)

PQ (Literature, French. Italian. Spanish. Portuguese)

PR (Literature, English)

PS (Literature, American)

PT (Literature, German. Dutch. Scandinavian. Nordic.)

PZ (Literature, Juvenile. Fiction.)

Q (Science, General)

QA (Mathematics)

QB (Astronomy)

QC (Physics)

QD (Chemistry)

QE (Geology)

QH (Biology)

QK (Botany)

QL (Zoology)

QM (Anatomy)

QP (Physiology)

QR (Microbiology)

R-RZ (Medicine)

S (Agriculture)

SH (Fisheries)

SK (Hunting Sports)

T (Technology, General)

TA-TJ (Engineering)

TL (Aeronautics. Astronautics.)

TN-TP (Mining. Chemical Technical)

TR (Photography)

TS (Manufactures)

TT (Arts and Crafts)

TX (Home Economics)

U-UH (Military Science)

V-VM (Naval Science)

Z-ZA (Books, General. Information Resources)