Foundation Courses - 0 hours

Course NumberCourse Name
BUS 6010Graduate Business Foundations*

Required Courses - 21 hours

Course NumberCourse Name
BUS 6360Leadership and Organizational Behavior
BUS 6460Marketing Strategy
BUS 6560International Business
BUS 6660Economic Decision Making**
BUS 6760Financial Management**
BUS 6860Data Analytics**
BUS 6960Strategic Management**

All IO Psychology concentration electives are 14 weeks long and mostly offered online (except for PSY 6400 and PSY 6500*). Please see when courses are offered, and which courses are taught online and in-person below:

Industrial/Organizational Psychology Track Courses - 12 hours

Course NumberCourse Name
PSY 6150Industrial Psychology - Fall only
PSY 6250Organizational Psychology - Spring only

Additional Elective Courses - Select Two Courses

Course NumberCourse Name
PSY 6300Workplace Motivation - Spring only
PSY 6350Personnel Selection - Fall only
PSY 6400Training and Development - Fall only/in-person only*
PSY 6500Special Topics in Industrial/Organizational Psychology - Spring only/in-person only*

MBA Program Total - 33 hours

* This is a pass/fail, self-paced course that focuses on accounting, finance, economics and statistics to equip students with an overview of fundamental background knowledge and skill-sets essential for success in the FSC MBA program and career.
** Course has the prerequisite requirement of BUS 6010 Graduate Business Foundations.